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Spoken English course in Jaipur
Spoken English course in Jaipur

Spoken English course in Jaipur


Spoken English course in Jaipur has been run by Converse Academy for more than 15 years. It is the best among all other training centres.

Group Discussion at Converse Academy
Group Discussion at Converse Academy

We provide training in Basic English, English Grammar, Fluent English, Situation based Conversations, Public Speaking, Interview Preparation, Personality Development , Business English, Corporate English etc.


Spoken English course in Jaipur
Public speaking at Converse Academy

English course has gained importance with time. Students get training in a limited batch size to pay attention on individual students. Students are provided with study material. Every topic is discussed in the class. Various assignments & activities are assigned to do.

Speech by Tarun Badetiya @ Converse Academy
Speech session at Converse Academy

Students get variations in the pattern of assignments. Online classes are also conducted. Online students are given opportunities to interact with offline students so that they feel connected with each other. This also make online students confident.

Batch 2022@ Converse Academy
Smart classrooms at Converse Academy

Public speaking sessions are organised to make students feel confident & it removes stage fear too. Students need to prepare a topic and deliver it on mic daily.

Group Discussion @Converse Academy
Group Discussion at Converse Academy

Students are encouraged to actively participate in group discussions. Vocabulary is provided daily. Oral & written tests are taken to check the learning. Quiz, games, Puzzles, Riddles are the tools to make them learn vocabulary through fun method.
