What are daily use Phrasal verbs?
A phrasal verb is consisting of a verb and another element, typically either an adverb, a preposition, or a combination of both. However, their meaning is not obvious from the meaning of the individual word themselves.
For example, Kirti looks down at her subordinates. It doesn’t mean that she is looking at her juniors from a height but it means she disrespects & behaves rudely with her subordinates.
Here I am providing a list of phrasal verbs along with their meanings.

S.No. | Phrasal Verb | Meaning |
1 | Abide by | A promise, a decision – top stick to it |
2 | Abstain from | To keep away from |
3 | Accompanied with | To be along with (something) |
4 | Accompanied by | A person |
5 | Act on | To take action because of something like information received. |
6 | Act out | Perform something with actions and gestures.. |
7 | Add on | Include in a calculation. |
8 | Add up | To make a mathematical total. |
9 | Addicted to | To be strongly inclined to something bad |
10 | Aim at | To target. |
11 | Allow for | Include something in a plan or calculation. |
12 | Allow of | Make possible, permit. |
13 | Angle for | Try to get something indirectly, by hinting or suggesting. |
14 | Answer back | To reply rudely to someone in authority. |
16 | Argue down | Beat someone in a debate, discussion or argument. |
17 | Argue down | Persuade someone to drop the price of something they’re selling. |
18 | Argue out | Argue about a problem to find a solution. |
19 | Ask about | Ask how someone is doing, especially professionally and in terms of health. |
21 | Ask around | Ask a number of people for information of help. |
22 | Ask in | To invite somebody into your house. |
23 | Ask out | To invite someone for a date. |
24 | Ask over | Invite. |
25 | Ask round | Invite someone. |
26 | Auction off | Sell something in an auction. |
27 | Back away | Retreat or go backwards. |
28 | Back down | Retract or withdraw your position or proposal in an argument. |
29 | Back into | Enter a parking area in reverse gear. |
30 | Back out | Fail to keep an arrangement or promise. |
31 | Back up | Make a copy of computer data. |
32 | Bargain down | Persuade someone to drop the price of something they’re selling. |
33 | Bash in | Break, damage or injure by hitting. |
34 | Bash out | Write something quickly without much preparation. |
35 | Be after | Try to find or get. |
36 | Be along | Arrive. |
37 | Be away | Be elsewhere; on holiday, etc.. |
38 | Be down | Be depressed. |
39 | Be fed up | Be bored, upset or sick of something. |
41 | Be up | Be out of bed. |
Bear away | Win | |
42 | Bear on | Influence, affect. |
43 | Bear up | Resist pressure. |
44 | Bear with | Be patient. |
45 | Beat out | Narrowly win in competition. |
46 | Beat up | Attack violently. |
47 | Bend down | Lower the top half of your body. |
48 | Black out | Fall unconscious. |
49 | Blast off | Leave the ground- spaceship or rocket. |
50 | Block in | Park a car and obstruct another car. |
51 | Block off | Obstruct an exit to prevent people from leaving. |
52 | Blow away | Impress greatly. |
53 | Blow down | When the wind forces something to fall. |
54 | Blow off | Not keep an appointment. |
55 | Blow up | Explode. |
56 | Boil up | Feel a negative emotion strongly. |
57 | Book in | Check in at a hotel. |
58 | Boost up | Give support |
59 | Bring up | To mention something. |
60 | Bring up | Educate/teach |
61 | ||
62 | Bring on | To cause something to happen, usually something negative |
63 | Bring about | to cause it to happen. |
64 | Bring out | to make apparent. |
66 | Break Up | end. |
Brreak Off | to stop abruptly | |
67 | Break down | Stop working |
68 | Break Out | (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly |
69 | Burn Out | to become exhausted from work |
70 | Call back | a telephone call made to return one that someone has received |
71 | Call for | Require |
72 | Call up | Telephone. |
73 | Call off | To cancel something. |
74 | Calm down | Stop being angry or emotionally excited. |
75 | Cancel out | Have an opposite effect on something that has happened, taking things back to the beginning. |
76 | Care for | Like. |
77 | Carried away | Get so emotional that you lose control. |
78 | Carry forward | Make something progress. |
79 | Carry on | Continue. |
80 | Carry out | to perform work, to do a job |
81 | Catch up | to learn or discuss the latest news |
82 | Check up | a medical examination to test your general state of health |
83 | Cheer up | To support someone by giving them words of encouragement. |
84 | Clear up | If the weather clears up, the cloud and rain disappear: |
85 | Come along | to go somewhere with someone |
86 | Come by | to get something |
87 | Coming Over | to come to a place, move from one place to another, or move towards someone |
91 | Come round | to visit someone in their home |
92 | Come in | to enter a room or building |
93 | Come out | If a book, record, film, etc. comes out, it becomes available for people to buy or see |
94 | Come up | to move towards someone |
95 | Come Upon | to find something or meet someone unexpectedly |
97 | Cut down | Reduce |
99 | Decide upon | Choose, select. |
100 | Depend on | to trust someone or something and know that that person or thing will help you or do what you want or expect him, her, or it to do |
101 | Die away | Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound). |
102 | Die for | Want something a lot. |
103 | Die out | Become extinct or disappear. |
104 | Dig in | Start eating greedily. |
105 | Dig into | Reach inside to get something. |
106 | Do over | to attack someone violently |
Do up | Tie | |
107 | End up | to finally be in a particular place or situation |
109 | Feed on | Give someone a particular food. |
110 | Feed up | Give someone a lot of food to restore their health, make them bigger, etc. |
111 | Feel up to | Feel capable of doing something. |
112 | Fill in | Write |
113 | Figure out | to understand or solve something |
114 | Fall apart | Stop working |
115 | Fall behind | to fail to do something fast enough or on time |
116 | Fall for | Fall in love |
117 | Fight over | To argue about who gets access to someone or something. |
118 | Fly out | Leave for somewhere by plane |
119 | Focus on | to pay attention |
120 | Freak out | Become anxious or afraid |
121 | Get ahead | Progress. |
Get along | To have a friendly relationship with someone. | |
122 | Get away | To escape. |
123 | Get back | to return to a place after you have been somewhere else |
125 | Get down | Criticize |
126 | Get into | Become involved in |
127 | Get on with | to start or continue doing something, especially work |
128 | Get over | to accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while |
129 | Get up | To stand up, or to wake up. |
130 | Get back to | To return to someone or something. |
131 | Give up | Stop doing something that has been a habit. |
132 | Give in | Stop arguing |
133 | Give away | To hand things out for free. |
134 | Grow apart | Become distant |
135 | ||
136 | Grow up | to tell someone to stop acting childish. |
137 | Go against | Opposite |
138 | Go ahead | Proceed/ Continue |
139 | Go for | Do it! Try it! |
140 | Go out | Have a romantic relationship |
141 | Going on | approaching a specified time, age, or amount. |
142 | Going through | officially accepted or approved |
143 | Hand in | to submit, to deliver work |
144 | Hang in | To continue & not to give up |
145 | Hang on | To keep something. |
146 | Hang up | To end a call on the phone |
147 | Hear about | to learn about something via word of mouth |
148 | Held up | delay |
149 | Hit on | Have an idea. |
150 | Hold off | Stop someone from attacking or beating you. |
151 | Hold on | Wait. |
Hold up | Stop | |
152 | Hold back | To stop yourself from doing or saying something. |
153 | Hook up | Meet someone. |
154 | Hunt out | Search until you find something. |
155 | Invite over | To invite someone to your home |
156 | Jack up | Increase sharply. |
157 | Jam on | Apply or operate something forcefully. |
159 | Jazz up | Make something more interesting or attractive. |
160 | Keep around | Keep something near you. |
161 | Keep at | Continue with something difficult. |
162 | Keep away | Don’t allow someone near something. |
Keep up | Maintain | |
163 | Keep back | Maintain a safe distance. |
164 | Key to | Plan things to fit or suit people or situations. |
165 | Key up | Make someone excited or nervous. |
166 | Kick about | Discuss. |
167 | Kick in | When a drug starts to take effect. |
168 | Kick out | Expel. |
169 | Knock down | to hit |
170 | Knock off | Finish work for the day. |
171 | Knuckle down | to stop being distracted and to focus on work |
172 | Lash down | Secure something with ropes or cords. |
173 | Lash into | Criticise someone strongly. |
174 | Lash out | Suddenly become violent. |
175 | Laugh at | to make fun of |
176 | Lay on | Organise, supply. |
177 | Lay off | to dismiss employees from their jobs |
178 | Lay out | Spend money. |
179 | Left off | to bring (as an action or operation) to an immediate end |
180 | Let down | disappointment |
181 | Let in | Allow someone to enter. |
182 | Let off | Not punish. |
183 | Lie ahead | In front of |
184 | Line up | Arrange events for someone. |
185 | Link up | Connect, join. |
186 | Live by | Follow a belief system to guide your behaviour. |
187 | Live down | Stop being embarrassed about something. |
188 | Live with | Accept something unpleasant. |
189 | Log in | Enter a restricted area on a computer system. |
190 | Log into | Enter a restricted area of a computer system. |
191 | Log off | Exit a computer system. |
192 | Log on | Enter a computer system. |
Look After | take care of | |
193 | Log out | Exit a computer system. |
194 | Look down | disrespect |
195 | Look for | to go in search of |
196 | Look forward | Expect something with pleasure |
197 | Look up | Consult a reference work (dictionary, phonebook, etc.) for a specific piece of information.. |
198 | Made up | consist of |
199 | Magic away | Make something disappear quickly. |
200 | Make after | Chase. |
201 | Make away with | Steal. |
202 | Make it | Arrive or get a result. |
203 | Make it up to | Try to compensate for doing something wrong. |
204 | Make of | Understand or have an opinion. |
Make Out | Understand | |
205 | Make off | Leave somewhere in a hurry. |
207 | Mash up | Mix sources of audio, video or other computer sources.. |
208 | Melt down | Heat something solid, especially metal, until it becomes liquid. |
210 | Mess about | Not be serious, not use something properly. |
212 | Mix up | Confuse. |
213 | Move into | Start living in a place. |
215 | Move up | Move to make space. |
216 | Nail down | Succeed in getting, achieve. |
217 | Name after | Give someone a name to remember another person. |
218 | Narrow down | Remove less important options to make it easier to choose. |
219 | Nerd out | Play safe and avoid taking a risk. |
222 | Opt for | Choose. |
223 | Opt in | Choose to be part or a member of something. |
224 | Opt into | Choose to be a member or part of something. |
225 | Opt out | Choose not to be part of something. |
226 | Pack in | Stop doing something. |
227 | Pack off | Send someone away. |
228 | Pack out | Fill a venue. |
229 | Pack up | Stop doing something. |
230 | Pad down | Sleep somewhere for the night. |
231 | Pad out | Make a text longer by including extra content, often content that isn’t particularly relevant. |
232 | Pal around | Be friendly and spend time with someone. |
233 | Pal up | Become friends. |
234 | Pass away | Die. |
235 | Pass back | Return. |
236 | Pass by | Go past without stopping. |
237 | Patch up | Fix or make things better. |
238 | Pay back | Repay money borrowed. |
239 | Pay off | Produce a profitable or successful result. |
240 | Pay for | to give someone money for a particular purpose, or to suffer because of some wrong action |
241 | Leave a group by moving in a different direction. | |
242 | Peel away | |
243 | Peg out | Put washing outside to dry. |
244 | Phase in | Introduce gradually. |
245 | Phase out | Remove gradually. |
246 | Pick at | Eat unwillingly. |
247 | Pick up | Collect. |
248 | Pig out | Eat a lot. |
249 | Pile up | Accumulate. |
250 | Pin down | Discover exact details about something. |
251 | Pin on | Attach the blame to someone. |
252 | Pin up | Fix something to a wall, or other vertical surface, with a pin. |
253 | Pine away | Suffer physically because of grief, stress, worry, etc. |
254 | Pipe down | Be quiet (often as an imperative). |
255 | Pipe up | To speak, raise your voice. |
258 | Play along | Pretend to agree or accept something in order to keep someone happy or to get more information. |
259 | Play around | Be silly. |
260 | Play up | Behave badly. |
261 | Plug in | Connect machines to the electricity supply. |
262 | Plump down | Put something in a place without taking care. |
263 | Plump for | Choose. |
264 | Point out | Make someone aware of something. |
265 | Poke about | Move things around or search in a casual way to try to find something. |
266 | Poke around | Move things around or search in a casual way to try to find something. |
267 | Polish off | Finish, consume. |
268 | Polish up | Improve something quickly. |
269 | Pop in | Visit for a short time. |
270 | Pop off | Talk loudly, complain. |
271 | Power up | Turn a computer or electronic device on so that it is ready to use. |
272 | Price up | Charge more for something. |
273 | Pull ahead | Overtake, move in front. |
274 | Pull out | Move into traffic. |
275 | Put off | to delay or move an activity to a later time |
276 | Put aside | Save |
277 | Put down | to bring to an end |
criticize | ||
278 | Put out | to extinguish a fire |
279 | Put on | To get your clothes or makeup on. |
280 | Put up | Staying temporarily |
281 | Reflect on | to affect other people’s opinion |
282 | Rely on | depend on |
Run after | Follow up | |
283 | Revolve around | to move around |
284 | Run away | escape from a place, person, situation |
285 | Run into | to meet someone unexpectedly/ collide with |
286 | Run over | exceed |
287 | Run out | exhausted/ finished |
Set up | Establish | |
288 | Set aside | to not let a particular feeling, opinion, or belief influence you, in order to achieve something more important |
289 | Show off | boastfully display one’s abilities or accomplishments |
290 | Show up | to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly |
291 | Sign for | sign a receipt to confirm that one has received |
292 | Sit around | to spend time doing nothing useful |
293 | Slack off | to work with less energy; to be lazy |
294 | ||
295 | Sort out | to arrange things in order |
296 | Split up | to get separate |
Speak up | Speak louder | |
297 | Stand out | to be very noticeable |
298 | Stand up | proved correct or true |
299 | Start out | to begin to do something in business or job |
300 | Stick around | to stay somewhere for a period of time |
301 | Stay up | to go to bed later than usual |
302 | Step down | to give up a job or position |
303 | Step out | to leave a place, esp. for a short time |
304 | Stick to | continue or confine oneself to doing or using (a particular thing) |
305 | Stress out | I find it very hard to stick to a diet |
Take down | note down | |
306 | Take on | to accept new employees; to hire |
307 | Take off | to remove clothing, or to leave for a journey(e.g. planes take off when they begin their flights). |
309 | Take over | to take control of something |
311 | Take up | become interested or engaged in a pursuit |
312 | Talk over | to discuss something carefully and completely, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision |
313 | Tell off | you speak angrily or seriously |
314 | Think about | to remember or imagine someone or something |
315 | Try out | Experiment with |
316 | Turn over | start or continue to run properly |
317 | Turn out | to prove to be |
318 | Turn up | Come |
319 | Wait around | to stay in a place and do nothing |
320 | Wake up | to become aware |
321 | Warm up | to engage in preliminary exercise (as to stretch the muscles) |
322 | Win over | to succeed in getting someone’s support or agreement |
323 | Wind down | Relax |
324 | Wear out | to use something so much or for so long that it is no longer usable: |
325 | Weigh down | to make a person feel worried and unhappy because of problems, responsibilities, and duties: |
Work on | to try to persuade or influence someone | |
326 | Work out | Solve |
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